Our services
We Crush and Screen any kind of Materials in our dump side and also we do service to other contractors. We are located in the city of Boca Raton in Southern Florida.
Our company specializes in the recycling of concrete and other such materials such as steel.
These materials are gathered, separated, and converted into different products of use. We utilize a fleet of modern trucks to gather the materials and make things easier for you. Our company also offers demolition service and picking up discarded items.
To find out what materials will best suit your needs please go the Products section of this Brochure. During the past 10 years we have contributed to the Southern Florida area by making a “green impact.”
Our treated asphalt is sold daily to general contractors that seek to get more for their money and also to residential consumers in search of a cost effective alternative to gravel or other driveway materials.

Since 1996, F. Fill group corp. has been a leader in the demolition industry of southern Florida. Working in close collaboration with the principal contractors, we have taken down old structures, unused items, old condominiums, factories, and other structures. Currently, 98% of the share of the materials involved in the demolition projects is gathered and reused. Everything that can be recycled is recycled. We treat the materials to create products of highest quality.
Fill group corp. distributes its products of concrete of and steel through a large network is south Florida. With a verity of different size of truck we can help lessen your work in delivering the materials al close to your business or home as possible. We have the shipping rates below. Call (954-309-4418) or fill out the contact form to send us a message whit you comments or questions. Some of the local areas of the turning in of concrete are: submission of crushed concrete etc